Is it worth scenting our hotel space?
The aromatization of a hotel space, a rural house, a hostel is increasingly one of the main marketing tools used to improve the perception of the establishment by visitors.
Currently there are means such as Scent Flow, - for large spaces -, or Scent Prisma, - for smaller spaces -, which allow the diffusion of fragrances in an adequate and economical way within the reach of all businesses.
When choosing a fragrance for the hotel establishment, we must first take into account the profile of our current or potential customer.
A l’hora d’escollir una fragància per l’establiment hoteler, en primer terme hem de tenir en compte quin és el perfil del nostre client actual o potencial.
Aromatization of the hotel depending on the country of origin of our customers
Depending on the country of origin of our customers, we will...