What is an odor neutralizer?

An odor neutralizer is a product that permanently removes odors from a hotel, office, restaurant or shop and improves our passage through any room and the atmosphere of any space where it is located.

Using professional air fresheners is the best and most comfortable option. This is because they are much more effective than home remedies especially if we are talking about large spaces, toilets or offices. The smell of an office is something that needs to be taken care of, but we can’t spend much time on it either.

Odor neutralizing air fresheners are perfect for a professional environment. Its fragrance is emitted automatically and periodically so we should never be aware of it again.


The main function of odor removers is not to mask the odor, but to eradicate it, and create a pleasant and healthy space.


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Why use an odor neutralizer?

The most common odors are generated by tobacco, fecal matter, garbage, fries, animal odors, human sweat.

In each case, all these smells can be cancelled or greatly mitigated by the use of fragrances that incorporate components that interact at a chemical level with the molecules that generate the bad smells, and manage to neutralise their transition from liquid to vapour, which generates this unpleasant effect on the customers’ sense of smell immediately.

Therefore, it eliminates bad smells instantly and definitively. Another of the characteristics of these products is that they prevent odour at source, i.e. they attack the odour-causing molecules by decomposing them and thus reducing their concentration.


The right choice of scents for your business brings physical and emotional benefits.


Why use an odour neutralizer?

We offer long-lasting professional diffusers with the aim of improving people’s quality of life. Bad smells generate all kinds of negative consequences. In commercial premises, this problem can lead to a decrease in sales; moreover, continuous exposure can have harmful or serious effects on health.

Being in a place with unpleasant aromas generates nausea, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, respiratory problems, etc. Cleaning tends to be a temporary solution; however, business air fresheners offer a more permanent option.

Advantages of using an odour neutralizer for your business

Whether you need an air freshener for your shop, your hotel, office air freshener, industrial air fresheners or professional air fresheners for home, the product is able to adapt to any of your needs. It will eliminate odours immediately, after a few seconds you will notice the difference.

It is easy to use, you only have to apply it to the environment. It should be noted that it is not toxic or harmful, nor does it leave any residues.


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Fragrances to eliminate bad odors

Based on this principle, e-arome presents its first 4 neutralising fragrances ( ON ). We have chosen 4 fragrances from different families and with a high level of selection among our customers:

  • Citrus Light ( ON ) : After the first aromatic and citrus notes, the fragrance develops into a herbal and aromatic colour with a marked ozone accent. A hint of amber completes the fragrance.
  • Forest Mistery ( ON ) : Coniferous fragrance around fir balm that begins with camphor notes that blend into an aromatic heart. A musky, woody background wraps the fragrance.
  • Jasmine Tonka ( ON ): floral fragrance based on jasmine and rose, which begins with a sparkling, green outing to melt into a charismatic amber and woody background.
  • Patchouli Velvet ( ON ): Fringe fragrance around the patchouli that acquires fruity brushstrokes at the exit and a marked oriental accent vanilla in the background.

For more information on how to remove odors from your business with our odor neutralizing perfumes, please contact us via the contact form or by writing to: info@e-arome.com 



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