Business impact of scent, Scent Marketing

Is it worth scenting our hotel space?

The aromatization of a hotel space, a rural house, a hostel is increasingly one of the main marketing tools used to improve the perception of the establishment by visitors. Currently there are means such as Scent Flow, - for large spaces -, or Scent Prisma, - for smaller spaces -, which allow the diffusion of fragrances in an adequate and economical way within the reach of all businesses. When choosing a fragrance for the hotel establishment, we must first take into account the profile of our current or potential customer. A l’hora d’escollir una fragància per l’establiment hoteler, en primer terme hem de tenir en compte quin és el perfil del nostre client actual o potencial. Aromatization of the hotel depending on the country of origin of our customers Depending on the country of origin of our customers, we will...

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Scent Marketing

Tricks to scent large spaces

Establishments that have large spaces often rule out the scenting of their spaces due to the fact that it can be costly. From e-arome we want to propose a series of solutions to achieve the aromatization of your space at a reasonable cost using our Scent Flow diffuser with a result that will satisfy all your customers and visitors: Program scent intensity Our diffuser allows us to schedule the hours in which you will work taking into account the influx of visitors. The ON time and the OFF time. And most importantly, we can create time slots with different intensities. As an example, a hotel has hours of more traffic in its lobby, which coincide with the entry and exit of guests, the hours of breakfast, lunch or dinner. In these hours, we will program a higher intensity that...

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Business impact of scent, Scent Marketing


Aroma shop
Fragmented audiences, multiple sales channels, diverse spaces for customer interaction, represent an important challenge for those responsible for communication and marketing of companies. In this changing and dynamic environment where the end customer gains prominence, Scent Marketing offers varied solutions, each one of them optimal depending on the type of relationship between the parties to the exchange. The right combination of them is key for the company in its challenge of trying to transmit its olfactory identity to the client from a unique sensory experience. When selecting the fragrance it is important that we bear in mind that this will be our olfactory brand in each of the scenarios. Not necessarily, an olfactory brand suitable for diffusion in the environment will be the one that will work best as a medium in a scented shipment. In this case,...

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Scent Marketing


History Fragances
Since the first moments of human civilization, more than 8,000 years ago, in places as distant as India or the Americas, fragrances have been an element used to search the deepest spirituality, to be able to find the answers that religions seek to answer about human existence. Reaching that state of mind allows us to reduce worldly stress and free our consciousness to be able to understand better everything that surrounds us. John Weguelin, "The Obsequies of an Egyptian Cat," (1886) Certain essences were / are often present when reading sacred texts in many modern religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, serving as a conductive element of transcendentality within spiritual experience. Even the smell has been a present element in our civilizations to ridicule other groups, relating modesty with moral depravity and decadent society. This is how...

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Scent Marketing


When we refer to smell as our most powerful sense, we do so from many studies that show that olfactory impacts remain in our brain in a much more consistent and prolonged way than other impacts such as visual or auditory. This makes Aromatic Marketing a very powerful tool in transmitting company values to people. The association of the olfactory signature of a company with a series of characteristics and values allows the seller to present himself/herself to the customer in the best way and modulates his/her perception of the product. Being able to achieve that when the customer receives a package at home, makes him/her associate our brand to a number of values and qualities, which is a great challenge that can be achieved with SCENTED DELIVERIES.  

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